The Product

“Lynn Flores" is a florist company based out of Michigan. The owner, Lynn, is having difficulty bringing in long-lasting customers. They thought that having someone create a bouquet preview app would help build trust, increase revenue and bring in long-lasting customers.

Initially, a few assumptions I made going into research was that the process of viewing and ordering flowers was very straightforward. Through research I was able to see first hand the pain points and frustrations people were really having when previewing flower bouquets. I used a short questionnaire to conduct my research. The questions examined how often people ordered flowers, their current feelings and difficulties that come up. Although simple, I feel as though I was able to get a good grasp on challenges and paint points of users. Due to the array of responses not one answer was the same, allowing me to flesh out possible solutions.

Discovery - User Research Summary

Pain Points

Lack of choices

Users want more color/variety of options when previewing/ordering bouquets.

Users want to be aware of allergens that may be present in bouquets so they know what they are sending is safe.

Unkown allergens

Looks different in person vs online

Users expressed frustration when what they saw online was not what they ended up receiving in reality.

In order to better understand user pain points, I crafted a questionnaire centered around the task of buying flowers. There were 12 responses on the questionnaire and from there I was able to uncover key areas of frustration.

After I gathered enough of understanding of user frustrations, I was able to begin brainstorming different ideas using storyboards and the Crazy Eights exercise. This helped me create a number of ideas without focusing too much on the details.

Information Architecture

Once I had a solid structure for the app, I began the design process by starting with paper wireframes. Upon completion of the paper wireframes, I moved onto lo-fi wireframes.

Lo-fi wireframes


Before committing too much to the designs I had created, I felt like I needed to test for ease of use before moving onto hi-fi designs. Using the Maze platform to test the usability of the app, for feasibility, it is best to test as early as possible. I received a total of 25 responses on the usability test, which I gathered participants through friends, family and Facebook groups.

Study Type: Unmoderated

Location: USA, Remote

Participants: Individuals aged 18-70 who order flowers at least once a month

Length: 15 minutes

After gathering enough responses from the usability test I was able to analyze the results and organize them into themes.

Research Insights